Documenting your Disney World Trips using Non Traditional Color Combinations

Documenting a Disney World trip doesn’t have to be cheesy; no pun to the mouse himself but, it doesn’t. The items that are traditionally offered to us are red, yellow, black, and white. Can we create magic with for all four parks using only those colors? Why this color scheme? Because they are taken fromContinue reading “Documenting your Disney World Trips using Non Traditional Color Combinations”

Documenting The Chicago Planner Conference in my Memory Keeping Planner

I am just coming off of one of my favorite planner conferences ever!  The Chicago Planner Conference in Chicago.   If you are considering attending a planner conference this is the one for you! It is so well planned and executed, I knew I wanted to document every single day I was there! And inContinue reading “Documenting The Chicago Planner Conference in my Memory Keeping Planner”